The c-kit ligand (KL; Steel factor, mast cell growth factor, stem cell
factor) is a hematopoietic factor that has been shown to act as a pot
ent cofactor for hematopoietic growth and differentiation in vitro. Th
e in vivo effects of KL, however, have been variable, To study the hem
atopoietic role of KL in vivo, we evaluated KL gene expression in both
normal mice and mice recovering from myelosuppressive radiation expos
ure using the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
technique. In a single RNA sample, we found that the RT-PCR technique
has high precision (coefficient of variation, 15.7%). Amplifications
of serial 1:2 dilutions of template RNA precisely correlated with star
ting RNA concentrations at 20 cycles or at 25 cycles, depending on the
level of expression. Amplification of individual normal bone marrow a
nd spleen cell RNA showed basal expression in all normal bone marrows
but irregular expression in normal spleens. On day 2 after a sublethal
7.75-Gy (0.4 Gy/min) Co-60 irradiation, splenic KL gene expression in
creased approximately 2.5-foId (P = .011), and bone marrow expression
increased 15-fold (P = .004), During a 28-day postirradiation recovery
period, KL expression increased in bone marrow on days 2 through 7. S
plenic expression during the same period was more variable, In conclus
ion, the KL gene is invariably expressed in all murine bone marrows an
d variably expressed in normal murine spleens. Postirradiation, recove
ring bone marrow and spleen both express increased levels of KL mRNA a
t day 2 and continue to express increased levels for several days post
exposure. These data support a role for KL in the endogenous recovery
of hematopoiesis after hypoplastic injury. This is a US government wor
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