Objective: CSF levels of inositol have been reported to be lower than
normal in depressed subjects. The authors administered inositol to dep
ressed patients in a double-blind, controlled trial. Method: Under dou
ble-blind conditions, 12 g/day of inositol (N=13) or placebo (N=15) wa
s administered to depressed patients for 4 weeks. Results: The overall
improvement in scores on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale was sig
nificantly greater for inositol than for placebo at week 4. No changes
were noted in hematology or in kidney or liver function. Conclusions:
This may be the first use of the precursor strategy for a second mess
enger rather than a neurotransmitter in treating depression. Although
inositol had a significant antidepressant effect in this study, replic
ation is crucial.