We have examined the expression of the myotonin protein kinase gene (M
PK) in individual human preimplantation embryos. An allele-specific, r
everse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assay was developed to
the required sensitivity using human buccal cells. Human cleavage stag
e embryos, derived by in vitro fertilisation, were assayed for MPK tra
nscription directly, or after biopsy of a single blastomere used to de
termine the genotype of the embryo. The maternal acid paternal genotyp
es were determined from cumulus cells and sperm, respectively. MPK gen
e transcripts were detected in embryos at the 1-cell-4-cell stage of d
evelopment. Detection of transcripts from the paternally-inherited all
ele confirmed onset of embryonic MPK gene expression at this very earl
y preimplantation stage.