Th. Zastawny et al., DNA-BASE MODIFICATIONS AND MEMBRANE DAMAGE IN CULTURED-MAMMALIAN-CELLS TREATED WITH IRON IONS, Free radical biology & medicine, 18(6), 1995, pp. 1013-1022
We investigated DNA base damage in mammalian cells exposed to exogenou
s iron ions in culture. Murine hybridoma cells were treated with Fe(II
) ions at concentrations of 10 mu M, 100 mu M, and 1 mM. Chromatin was
isolated from treated and control cells and analyzed by gas chromatog
raphy/mass spectrometry for DNA base damage. Ten modified DNA bases we
re identified in both Fe(II)-treated and control cells. The quantifica
tion of modified bases was achieved by isotope-dilution mass spectrome
try. In Fe(II)-treated cells, the amounts of modified bases were incre
ased significantly above the background levels found in control cells.
Dimethyl sulfoxide at concentrations up to 1 M in the culture medium
did not significantly inhibit the formation of modified DNA bases. A m
athematical simulation used to evaluate the plausibility of DNA damage
upon Fe(II) treatment predicted a dose-dependent response, which agre
ed with the experimental results. In addition, Fe(II) treatment of cel
ls increased the cell membrane permeability and caused production of l
ipid peroxides. The nature of DNA base lesions suggests the involvemen
t of the hydroxyl radical in their formation. The failure of dimethyl
sulfoxide to inhibit their formation indicates a site-specific mechani
sm for DNA damage with involvement of DNA-bound metal ions. Fe(II) tre
atment of cells may increase the intracellular iron ion concentration
and/or cause oxidative stress releasing metal ions from their storage
sites with subsequent binding to DNA. Identified DNA base lesions may
be promutagenic and play a role in pathologic processes associated wit
h iron ions.