Annual survival of colour-ringed Common Guillemots Uria aalge with at
least 1 year of breeding experience was measured in five study areas o
n the Isle of May, southeast Scotland from 1982 to 1993. Annual surviv
al averaged 94.9%. There were no significant sex, year or area differe
nces. Between 5% and 10% of the birds known to be alive in any year di
d not breed, and on average such birds appeared to survive less well (
87%) than breeders (95%). Non-breeding did not occur randomly within t
he population, and 6% of birds accounted for 47% of the cases of non-b
reeding. It appeared that non-breeding in Common Guillemots on the Isl
e of May was socially induced with most cases occurring after an indiv
idual had lost its site.