Basal metabolic rates (BMR) were measured for 11 species of North Atla
ntic seabirds, ranging in size from the Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla to
the Gannet Sula bassana. BMRs for all species were higher than those p
redicted from the allometric equations of Lasiewski and Dawson (1967),
Aschoff and Pohl (1970) and Ellis (1984), The equations of Ellis (198
4), incorporating a latitude correction, and of Bennett and Harvey (19
87), involving deviations by seabird families from a general avian tre
nd line, gave predictions for BMR which were closer to, but respective
ly lower and higher than, those observed in this study, BMR for seabir
ds in Scotland (55-60 degrees N) is described by the equation: BMR (kJ
/d) = 2.30W(0.774), The principal sources of variability in BMR amongs
t seabirds and the selective forces shaping the differences between se
abirds and most other birds with lower BMRs remain unclear but deserve
further study.