This paper describes the flow balance method facility (FBM) used to co
ntrol a combined sewer overflow (CSO) and a statistically based effici
ency evaluation for the system. The FBM uses containment within a rece
iving water body (in this case seawater) to store CSO followed by pump
back to the wastewater treatment plant for treatment. The efficiency e
valuation uses a mass balance incorporating measured specific conducti
vity and how volumes with their probability distributions in a Monte C
arlo model to calculate probable volumes of seawater in the pumpback a
nd hence efficiency of the system. The methods described in the paper
refer to phase 1 and form the basis for monitoring phase 2 of the proj
ect. Important aspects of this analysis for phase 2 of the FBM demonst
ration included: confirmation of the reliability of specific conductiv
ity to determine the volume of seawater in the pumpback; an indication
of the sensitivity of the predicted efficiency to variation in the pa
rameters used; and therefore, identification of the relative importanc
e of the different data distributions to allow more effective data col
lection in phase 2.