Proton beams with an energy of 2.5 MeV and alpha beams with an energy
of 4.8 MeV at small incident angles (0-35 mrad) were used to analyse s
urfaces by detecting x-rays (PIXE) and backscattered protons (RBS). Th
e specimens consisted of a flat substrate, such as Si wafers or quartz
, with a thin evaporated coating. PIXE detection limits were investiga
ted as a function of angle. A minimum detection limit for Au, using L
x-rays, was found to be 15% of an atomic layer using an incident angle
of 16 mrad and 2.5 MeV protons. For angles between 4 and 20 mrad, bot
h the PIXE and RBS yields drop drastically owing to reflection of the
incoming ions. This was confirmed by ion trajectory calculations. At v
ery small angle sof a few mrad, was observed that the RBS yield drops
faster than the x-ray yield, which indicates surface channelling.