This paper presents a polynomial connectionist network called ridge po
lynomial network (RPN) that can uniformly approximate any continuous f
unction on a compact set in multidimensional input space R(d), with ar
bitrary degree of accuracy, This network provides a more efficient and
regular architecture compared to ordinary higher-order feedforward ne
tworks while maintaining their fast learning property. The ridge polyn
omial network is a generalization of the pi-sigma network and uses a s
pecial form of ridge polynomials, It is shown that any multivariate po
lynomial can be represented in this form, and realized by an RPN, Appr
oximation capability of the RPN's is shown by this;representation theo
rem and the Weierstrass polynomial approximation theorem, The RPN prov
ides a natural mechanism for incremental network growth, Simulation re
sults on a surface fitting problem, the classification of high-dimensi
onal data and the realization of a multivariate polynomial function ar
e given to highlight the capability of the network, In particular, a c
onstructive learning algorithm developed for the network is shown to y
ield smooth generalization and steady learning,