In today's society, the development of new technologies generally outp
aces the laws and regulations created to protect them. This is precise
ly what has happened in copyright cases involving the copyrightability
of the ''look and feel'' of a program (the visual displays and specif
ic command keystrokes that make a computer program unique). Currently,
regulatory agencies and judicial interpretation of copyright law is n
ot precise, leading to uncertainty and a lack of uniformity. Until the
courts and/or agencies reach some consistency in their rulings, softw
are developers and individual programmers are left in a quandary as to
when charges of copyright infringement might be served. Although it m
ay be difficult to achieve consistent interpretation, US case law does
provide some guidance that can aid US developers in not only protecti
ng their work, but also avoiding charges of copyright infringement. Th
is paper examines the current US copyright laws and limitations with s
pecial attention to ''look and feel.'' International copyright aspects
, as outlined in the Berne Convention, the General Agreement on Tariff
s and Trade (GATT), and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA
) are also addressed. It also reviews several cases that deal with (or
have somehow impacted) questions surrounding ''look and feel,'' along
with commentaries on their individual impacts, evaluates where copyri
ght laws stand today, and discusses some possible alternatives for sof
tware developers based on the results of recent cases.