The authors describe Multimedia MedNet, a medical system that enables
real-time monitoring and multiparty collaboration. MedNet combines neu
rophysiological, audio, and video data in a remote diagnostic and moni
toring system. Along with its predecessor, NeuroNet, it has been used
on a daily basis at seven hospitals at the University of Pittsburgh Me
dical Center since 1985. MedNet supports 1,600 brain surgeries per yea
r in an exacting environment involving data types and manipulations th
at are broader and more demanding than those found in a typical teleco
nferencing application. Phase I MedNet incorporates digital signal pro
cessing along with distributed systems tools for group communication,
multimedia file access and storage, and software for manipulation and
display of neurophysiological information. Communication control in Ph
ase II MedNet is managed by a multimedia group process protocol called
the Distributed InterProcess Communication System (DIPCS). MedNet act
s as a multimedia command and control system. The authors discuss the
implementation issues involved in Phase I and some lessons learned fro
m their experiences with it. They then present their design plans for
Phase II, including a detailed description of DIPCS. Finally, they pre
sent an evaluation of Phase I and Phase II, and describe the challenge
s that must be overcome to optimize Phase II implementation.