A model for a cellular mobile network is given which uses the dynamic
channel allocation strategy proposed by Everitt and Macfadyen (1983).
In this model, handovers of calls from one cell to another are explici
tly included. The equilibrium distribution of this network is shown to
have product form under certain reversibility conditions. The conditi
ons are restrictive and are, perhaps, unlikely to hold in practical mo
dels. However, their study does provide insight into the behavior of c
ellular systems with dynamic channel allocation. Using the product-for
m equilibrium distribution we are able to express the blocking probabi
lity for new calls, and the blocking probability for handover calls in
terms of appropriate normalizing constants.;The model is also extende
d to allow directed retry for handovers in which blacked handover atte
mpts may try to gain access via another cell. This provides differenti
al service for handovers. Again, some reversibility conditions ensure
product form, and the blocking probabilities for both new and handover
calls are given in terms of normalizing constants.