This paper studies a topical and economically significant capacitated
network design problem that arises in the telecommunications industry.
in this problem, given point-to-point communication demand in a netwo
rk must be met by installing (loading) capacitated facilities on the a
rcs: Loading a facility incurs an are specific and facility dependent
cost. This paper develops modeling and solution approaches for loading
facilities to satisfy the given demand at minimum cost. We consider t
wo approaches for solving the underlying mixed integer program: Lagran
gian relaxation strategy, and a cotting plane approach that uses three
classes of valid inequalities that we identify for the problem. We sh
ow that a linear programming formulation that includes these inequalit
ies always approximates the value of the mixed integer program at leas
t as well as the Lagrangian relaxation bound. Our computational result
s on a set of prototypical telecommunication data show that including
these inequalities considerably improves the gap between the integer p
rogramming formulation and its linear programming relaxation: from an
average of 25% to an average of 8%. These results show that strong cut
ting planes can be an effective modeling and algorithmic tool for solv
ing problems of the size that arise in the telecommunications industry