The effectiveness of the Rorschach in detecting acute posttraumatic st
ress (PTS) in Persian Gulf War veterans was investigated. Subjects wer
e 30 U.S. Marine Reservists who reported experiencing symptoms of PTS
after 3 months of active duty in Operation Desert Storm. Subjects were
administered the Rorschach and MMPI-2 soon after their return from th
e Persian Gulf War. Results showed acute distress, a vulnerable capaci
ty for coping and control, and a tendency to be overwhelmed by interna
l and external stimulation. Selected Rorschach variables were signific
antly related in a conceptually valid manner to MMPI-2 scales associat
ed with defensiveness, coping ability, and PTS. These findings are dis
cussed in relation to the assessment, understanding, and treatment of
PTS symptomatology and posttraumatic stress disorder.