A suitable method for the determination of 16 biogenic amines in wine
has been developed. The method involves clean-up of wine samples using
ion-exchange cartridges and a preconcentration step, under controlled
vacuum, before derivatization of the amines by treatment with phthala
ldehyde (PA) and reversed-phase HPLC with gradient elution and fluorim
etric detection. Linearity of response was obtained for all the biogen
ic amines from 100 mu g L(-1) to 10 mg L(-1) Limits of detection for t
he amines were similar for all PA-derivatives (25-50 mu g L(-1)) and t
he quantitation limits were about 0.1 mg L(-1) clean-up and preconcent
ration, the concentration levels increased 10-fold for all amines exce
pt putrescine and cadaverine, which gave poor recovery by this method
unlike the rest which gave recoveries of almost 90%. The overall proce
ss was successfully applied to identify and quantify biogenic amines i
n several red wines from the Tarragona region.