Pregnancy is a predisposing factor for urinary tract infection and pre
gnant women suffering from this pathology are exposed to dangerous ris
ks which may condition maternal wellbeing and fetal prognosis. The app
arently paradoxal finding of a higher incidence of perinatal problems
in pregnant women with asymptomatic bacteriuria compared to those with
manifest infections may be explained by the fact that the latter are
adequately treated, whereas asymptomatic bacteriuria, which is difficu
lt to diagnose, may continue in a subtle form for the entire duration
of pregnancy. This emphasises the importance of the early diagnosis of
infection using a protocol based on urine tests and urine culture and
the adequate treatment of all cases of asymptomatic bacteriuria iu or
der to reduce the incidence of maternal-and fetal complications (acute
pyelonephritis, increased fetal morbidity and mortality). The choice
of the antibiotic to be used must be made on the basis of the urine cu
lture test, the stage of gestation, maternal clinical data and the cha
racteristics of the antibiotic itself (pharmacokinetics, maternal and
fetal toxicity). With regard to the treatment protocol, the ''single-d
ose'' protocol is currently preferred. After negative urine culture te
sts, all patients must carry out a complete urine test each month with
hormonal and echographic monitoring of the fetoplacental unit.