Severe acute endocarditis can be associated with major destruction of
the annulus. Meticulous surgical debridement of friable necrotic mater
ial is always necessary and major damage to the annulus of the valve m
ay impair secure seating of the prosthesis. Extra-annular implantation
of a prosthesis may be a life-saving procedure when annular implantat
ion is impossible. Between 1978 and 1989, 36 patients underwent extra-
annular complex procedures for annular abscesses. The infection involv
ed the aortic prosthesis and the annulus in 22 patients, and the mitra
l prosthesis and the annulus in 14 patients. In cases of aortic root a
bscess, a subcoronary coronary valved graft (II patients), a supracoro
nary valved conduit (ten patients) or a left ventricle-abdominal aorta
valved conduit (one patient) were implanted. In cases of mitral valve
endocarditis with extensive annular abscess, intra-atrial insertion o
f a mitral prosthesis was performed. In such cases, repair of the aort
ic root with a valved conduit or intra-atrial implantation of a mitral
valvular prosthesis can be life saving and can be expected to give ex
cellent long-term results.