Nine phage isolates infectious for Vibrio vulnificus and falling into
four morphological groups were isolated from estuarine waters collecte
d in Louisiana. Of the 60 V. vulnificus strains tested, 87% were susce
ptible to one or more of the isolates, With the exception of V. fluvia
lis, Vibrio species other than vulnificus were resistant to infection.
A spectrum of enteric bacterial strains were similarly resistant, Sus
ceptibility differences were seen between opaque (virulent) V. Vulnifi
cus strains and those with translucent (nonvirulent) colony types, wit
h the former being more susceptible. Susceptibility patterns to infect
ion by the nine phage isolates among the V. vulnificus test strains su
ggest that the latter may fall into several groups. Other aspects rela
ting to the phage isolates are presented.