To approach the galactic dynamo we solve the mean-field induction equa
tion (with a 2D time-stepping code after Elstner et al. 1990) for a we
ll-defined flow system. The turbulence pattern is assumed to be distri
buted in vertical direction (but to be uniform along the radius). It a
lso extends to the galactic halo, where a fixed value of the rms veloc
ity is defined. The mid-plane turbulence intensity is the free paramet
er in the theory. The turbulence electromotive force is computed witho
ut inclusion of the density stratification. The mean flow consists of
the global galactic rotation and a vertical wind. The wind is increasi
ng with the disk height. Uniform as well as spike-like radial profiles
of the wind intensity are used. The dynamo is suppressed if intensive
uniform winds are acting in the dynamo-active region. For winds separ
ated from the dynamo domain there is generally a rather weak influence
of the wind on the resulting field strength. The field geometry, howe
ver is drastically changed in the wind region. Weak vertical field com
ponents occur for horizontally uniform winds while rather strong verti
cal magnetic fields belong to a highly nonuniform ('spiky') wind profi