We wished to exploit confocal microscopy for high spatial and temporal
resolution vital microscopy in bone. To this end, we evolved implants
with glass windows supported in titanium, which were placed in the me
dial proximal tibial plateau of the rabbit, and special small, self-fo
cussing objectives (dry 10/0.25, water immersion 20/0.45, and oil imme
rsion 45/0.65 and 120/1.0) which mated and matched to the conical wind
ow entrance section of the metal components. At intervals of up to 21
months after implant healing, these lenses were used to study live tis
sue using two genera of confocal microscope: multiple aperture disc, t
andem scanning, microscopes for observation in reflection, and video r
ate confocal laser scanning microscopes for recording, mainly in the f
luorescence mode. The latter allowed the study of a variety of intrave
nously administered substances, including fluorescein, fluorescein-dex
trans, fluorescent microspheres, acridine orange, DASPMI, calcein, and
tetracycline. We were able to remove blood, stain cells with fluoresc
ent markers, and replace them into the circulation. Calcein and tetrac
ycline bind to the mineral front in bone: this labelling was studied i
n progress. We observed that both substances partition and remain for
long periods (at least days) in adipocytes. Further characterisation o
f the system used both confocal fluorescence and scanning electron mic
roscopy methods in the study of retrieved implants. These studies show
ed that the subimplant cortical bone remodelled to a less compact stru
cture with a rich microvasculature extremely close to bone. The points
of attachment of bone to glass were found to involve coarse fibres, w
ith the matrix containing large numbers of large cells: some of this t
issue was cartilage and some immature bone. An amorphous, mineralised
matrix was in immediate contact with glass. The results provide furthe
r confirmation of the general utility of high-scan speed confocal meth
odology in physiology.