Six rate decay functions have been fit to 14 aftershock sequences, mos
tly from southern California. The best fit was usually by the modified
Omori function, but five of the sequences were best fit by new varian
ts of the stretched exponential model, and three more were best fit by
the modified Omori with a steady background rate added. Background ra
te terms in the modified Omori model never improved the fit to sequenc
es best fit by exponential models. The variety of decay laws observed
can be explained if the underlying aftershock generation process follo
ws stretched exponential relations with spatial inhomogeneities in q v
alue. Tests of a large number of synthetic sequences show that if diff
erent parts of a fault zone produce aftershocks decaying with stretche
d exponentials having a wide variety of q values, the combined sequenc
e will be best fit by a variant of the modified Omori relation. The se
quences best fit by modified exponential may be associated with more h
omogeneous material properties or simpler geometry.