This work is based on a project where the effect of ozone (<10, 200 or
400 mu g/m(3)) on hexane-soluble components of Picea abies needles wa
s investigated (Ogner (1993) Environ. Pollut., 82, 223-9). The trees r
epresenting six clones of Picea abies were fumigated in open-top chamb
ers at two locations in Norway, Aas and Bergen, for one growth season.
The gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID) analysis sh
owed that the concentrations of four of the compounds from the hexane
extract changed with ozone dose in a way that made them promising as i
ndicators. However, at that time no identification of the compounds wa
s made. The same ozone treated plant material was utilized in this stu
dy and one of the compounds, analysed by gas chromatography-mass spect
rometry (GC-MS), was identified as phytol. The remaining indicators we
re not identified due to either poorly separated peaks or too low a co