Kg. Shin et Yc. Chang, A COORDINATED LOCATION POLICY FOR LOAD SHARING IN HYPERCUBE-CONNECTEDMULTICOMPUTERS, I.E.E.E. transactions on computers, 44(5), 1995, pp. 669-682
Uneven task arrivals in a hypercube-connected multicomputer may tempor
arily overload some nodes while leaving others underloaded. This probl
em can be solved or alleviated by load sharing (LS); that is, some of
the tasks arriving at overloaded nodes, caned overflow tasks, are tran
sferred to underloaded nodes. One important issue in LS is to locate u
nderloaded nodes to which the overflow tasks can be transferred. This
is termed the location policy, Any efficient location policy should di
stribute the overflow tasks to the entire system instead of 'dumping'
them on a few underloaded nodes, To reduce the overhead for collecting
state information and transferring tasks, each node is required to ma
intain the state information of only those nodes in its proximity, cal
led a buddy set, Several location policies-random probing, random sele
ction, preferred lists, and bidding algorithm-are analyzed and compare
d for hypercube-connected multicomputer systems, Under the random-sele
ction and preferred-list policies, an overloaded node can select, with
out probing other nodes, an underloaded node within its buddy set, whi
le under the random probing policy and the bidding algorithm the overl
oaded node needs to probe other nodes before transferring the overflow
task, Task collision(s) is said to occur if two or more overflow task
s are transferred (almost) simultaneously to the same underloaded node
, The performances of these location policies are analyzed and compare
d in terms of the average number of task collisions, Our analysis show
s that use of preferred lists allows the overflow tasks to be shared m
ore evenly throughout the entire hypercube than the other two location