A quantitative Dream Test score is defined as the ratio of the number
of the key dream words selected by a subject and given a plus sign to
the number of the dream words given minus sign as is done on the Initi
al-letter Word-association Test. The mean quantitative Dream Test scor
e is 2+/3- with a slight prevalence of minus over plus signs and the m
ean number of selected key dream words of 5. The qualitative Dream Tes
t score was formulated to represent the dream categories and subcatego
ries in which individual dreams are classified according to manifest d
ream content. From a sample of 122 dreams reported by 122 women, stude
nts in psychology (M age 20 yr.), dreams were categorized as Death (27
or 22.0%), Nightmares (53 or 43.1%), Love (35 or 28.3%), Atypical dre
ams (7 or 5.7%), and No dreams (1 or .8%). The most frequent qualitati
ve Dream Test score was for Nightmares which is in accord with the sli
ght prevalence of minus over plus signs in the Dream Test mean quantit
ative score.