The transtheoretical model of behavior change postulates five distinct
, well-defined stages of change: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Prep
aration, Action, and Maintenance. Each stage has been regarded as refl
ecting a motivational posture and treated as if it is homogenous with
respect to membership. This paper reports the results of four cluster
analytic studies, one within each of the first four stages of change.
The cluster analysis was based on three constructs of the model. Four
distinct subtypes were found within Contemplation, Preparation, and Ac
tion, and three subtypes were found within Precontemplation. External
validation for the clusters was provided using the 10 Processes of Cha
nge and 8 behavioral measures as dependent measures. At least one subt
ype corresponded to the existing stage definition but the other subtyp
es suggested alternative intervention strategies.