This study addressed 3 questions regarding empathic accuracy in a clin
ically relevant setting. First, does the empathic accuracy of a percei
ver improve with increased exposure to a target individual? Second, ca
n empathic accuracy be enhanced by providing the perceiver with feedba
ck about the target's actual thoughts and feelings? Third, are there s
table individual differences in empathic accuracy that generalize acro
ss different targets? The results indicated that although absolute per
formance levels varied from 1 target to another, empathic accuracy gen
erally improved with increased exposure to the target. In addition, fe
edback concerning the target's actual thoughts and feelings accelerate
d the rate at which the perceivers' empathic accuracy improved. Finall
y, cross-target consistency in responding (alpha = .86) revealed stabl
e individual differences in the perceivers' empathic ability. Implicat
ions of these findings for clinical training and practice are discusse