A diagnostic neutral beam will be installed on Alcator C-Mod for measu
rement of (n) over tilde(i), n(z), T-z, upsilon(theta), upsilon(phi),
and j. The beam will be used primarily for the study of thermal transp
ort, E(r) in H-mode discharges, and to provide critical profile and tu
rbulence data for tests of theoretically based models of turbulence an
d transport. The beam selected for this work was used on Texas Experim
ental Tokamak and is rated at 50 kV and 6 A of extracted current in hy
drogen. It can produce beams of deuterium or helium as well. It is cur
rently being reconfigured for installation on C-Mod. Capabilities for
the intended measurements are described using simulations based on mea
sured C-Mod profiles. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.