Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of an MFI-type zeolite have been p
erformed at various temperatures. Crystal structures and vibrational s
pectra obtained from the simulations were in good agreement with the e
xperimental data. The temperature induced phase transition between ort
horhombic and monoclinic phases, which was already known from experime
ntal measurements, was also reproduced. The potential model used in th
is study was thus sufficiently applicable to molecular simulations of
this type of zeolites. Our MD simulations suggest Pn symmetry for the
monoclinic phase instead of experimental P2(1)/n. A small change in th
e thermal expansion coefficient was found on the phase transition. In
the higher temperature range, another remarkable change was found: the
thermal expansion coefficient became negative. This indicates the exi
stence of a higher temperature orthorhombic phase.