Three Xanthoria species occur in Antarctica: X. candelaria s.str., X.
mawsonii and X. elegans. The genus was treated by previous authors und
er different generic names: Blastenia, Caloplaca, Candelariella, Kuttl
ingeria, Polycauliona and Xanthoria. Two new synonyms of X. elegans ar
e provided, while five previously proposed synonyms are confirmed by t
he examination of type specimens. Altogether, eleven taxa described fr
om Antarctica are synonyms of two widespread Xanthoria species, X. can
delaria s. str. and X. elegans. X. mawsonii, an endemic species, previ
ously considered by most authors as conspecific with X. candelaria, pr
oved to be a distinct species, differing from X. candelaria s. str. in
morphology and in the longer spermatia. The three Xanthoria species a
re keyed and discussed; a comprehensive list of synonyms is provided.
X. elegans seems to be widespread in all Antarctic regions, X. candela
ria is reported from subantarctic and maritime regions while X. mawson
i seems to be restricted to continental Antarctica.