We report on recent Thomson scattering measurements from two ion speci
es laser-produced plasmas. A flat disk coated with multiple alternate
thin layers of gold and beryllium was irradiated with one laser beam o
f the Nova laser facility and the resulting two ion species plasma was
probed with a second laser beam at a distance of 500 mu m with time-r
esolved spectroscopy of the Thomson scattered light. A controlled vari
ation of the Au fraction of the plasma was achieved by changing the re
lative thicknesses of the individual multilayers of the target. Two io
n acoustic waves belonging to the Au and Be species were clearly obser
ved. Besides their usual application to deduce electron temperatures,
the relative damping of both waves provides an accurate measurement of
the ion temperature of the plasma. In addition, the relative ion dens
ities can be measured with high accuracy from the relative phase veloc
ities of both waves if the ion charge state is known independently or
vice versa. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.