The effects of octreotide on regional motor function in the human gut
are unclear. In a randomised, blinded study the effects of octreotide
(50 mu g, subcutaneously, three times daily) and placebo on gastric, s
mall bowel, and colonic transit, and colonic motility and tone were as
sessed in 12 healthy volunteers whose colon had been cleansed. Octreot
ide accelerated initial gastric emptying (p=0.05), inhibited small bow
el transit (p<0.01), and reduced ileocolonic bolus transfers (p<0.05).
Colonic transit was unaltered by octreotide; the postprandial colonic
tonic response was inhibited (p<0.05 v placebo), whereas colonic phas
ic pressure activity was increased by octreotide (p<0.05 v placebo). T
hese data support the use of octreotide in diarrhoeal states but not i
n diseases that cause small bowel stasis and bacterial overgrowth. Sim
ultaneous measurements of colonic transit, tone, and phasic contractil
ity are valid in studying the effects of pharmacological changes and m
ay be applicable to the study of the human colon in health and disease