A review of recent progress on the design of a diagnostic system propo
sed for ignition target experiments on the National Ignition Facility
(NIF) will be presented. This diagnostic package contains an extensive
suite of optical, x ray, gamma ray, and neutron diagnostics that enab
le measurements of the performance of both direct and indirect driven
NIF targets. The philosophy used in designing all of the diagnostics i
n the set has emphasized redundant and independent measurement of fund
amental physical quantities relevant to the operation of the NIF targe
t. A unique feature of these diagnostics is that they are being design
ed to be capable of operating in the high radiation, electromagnetic p
ulse, and debris backgrounds expected on the NIF facility. The diagnos
tic system proposed can be categorized into three broad areas: laser c
haracterization, hohlraum characterization, and capsule performance di
agnostics. The operating principles of a representative instrument fro
m each class of diagnostic employed in this package will be summarized
and illustrated with data obtained in recent prototype diagnostic tes
ts. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.