The genus Helicostylum was restricted to two species, H. elegans and H
. pulchrum, based on the phylogenetic species concept. Helicostylum sp
ecies were distinguished from other genera of Thamnidiaceae by the pro
duction of 1) relatively large, multispored, deliquesent-walled sporan
gia at the apices of the sporangiophores and 2) pedicellate, relativel
y small, persistent-walled sporangiola laterally from the sporangiopho
re itself or from lateral branchlets having elongate, sterile, spine-l
ike terminations. In some cases a given sporangiophore bears only spor
angia or sporangiola. The lateral, fertile branches arose singly, in p
airs, or in verticels or pseudoverticels of three to 20. Zygospores we
re described for the first time for H. pulchrum. A new genus Kirkia wa
s based on H. cordense, which lacks spinelike fertile branches and has
an optimal growth temperature of 25 C vs slightly below 20 C for spec
ies of Helicostylum. A cladistic analysis using representative species
of all sporangiate Thamnidiaceae demonstrated that Helicostylum and K
irkia resided in separate clades. Selected strains of all species of H
elicostylum were included in the analysis. Helicostylum venustellum wa
s considered a synonym of H. pulchrum. All taxa were illustrated with
line drawings. Keys were provided to genera and species, and an extens
ive list of synonyms was presented.