Equipment designed to process foods hygienically must be checked for c
leanability, pasteurizability, sterilizability and/or bacteria tightne
ss. Four lest methods have been published on these topics by the Test
Methods subgroup of the European Hygienic Equipment Design Group (EHED
G). Any laboratory can use these methods and acquire the skill and exp
ertise that are needed to carry them out. However, it may be felt pref
erable to benefit from the experience of people implementing them on a
routine basis. This paper, the 15th in the series of EHEDG Updates to
appear in Trends in Food Science and Technology, provides a list of s
ome European laboratories where rigs are available for testing items o
f food processing equipment. The EHEDG is an independent consortium fo
rmed to develop guidelines and test methods for the safe and hygienic
processing of food. The group includes representatives from research i
nstitutes, the food industry, equipment manufacturers and government o
rganizations in Europe.