In this paper, a network model of polymer melts is proposed in which n
etwork junction points move non-affinely. In this non-affine motion, j
unction points follow particle paths as seen by an observer rotating a
t the fluid element's net rigid-rotation rate. The speed at which junc
tion points move is reduced as the network segments near their maximum
extensions. In order to maintain a frame invariant model, it is neces
sary that the vorticity be decomposed into two portions, such that, om
ega = omega(R) + omega(D). The deformational vorticity, omega(D), aris
es from shear deformation and is frame invariant while the rigid vorti
city, omega(R), is frame dependent. A constitutive equation based on t
his finitely extensible network strand (FENS) motion is developed. The
model illustrates how rotations that cause changes in the relative or
ientation of a fluid element with its surroundings can be incorporated
into a constitutive equation using the deformational vorticity. The F
ENS model predicts a shear-thinning viscosity, and the Trouton viscosi
ty predicted by the model is finite for all elongation rates. Finally,
stochastic simulation results are presented to justify a mathematical
approximation used in deriving the constitutive equation.