Va. Chernenko et al., THERMAL AND MAGNETIC-PROPERTIES OF STRESS-INDUCED MARTENSITES IN NI-MN-GA ALLOYS, Journal de physique. IV, 5(C2), 1995, pp. 95-98
The stress-induced transformation of single crystals of Ni-Mn-Ga ferro
magnetic Heusler ordered alloys to new martensitic structures has been
investigated. The intermartensitic transformations, whenever they occ
ur, were registered during heating by calorimetry, dilatometry and mag
netic susceptibility measurement, showing up a step-like strain recove
ry, small endothermal effects, and an abrupt change of the low-field m
agnetic susceptibility. During intermartensitic transformations, betwe
en modulated and unmodulated lattices, as well as during the final tra
nsformation to the parent austenitic phase, noticeable anomalous chang
es in the specific magnetization were observed.