Analysis of mineral inclusions in discrete growth zones of diamond cry
stals provides evidence for the magmatic genesis of both ultrabasic an
d pyroxenite-eclogitic diamond types. Changes in the K2O, Na2O, CaO, F
eO, Fe2O3, and Cr2O3 proportions in the garnet-clinopyroxene, enstatit
e-spinel, and spinel-garnet pairs indicate that the pressure declined
discretely and regularly during the diamond growth in the diamond-bear
ing facies due to a series of rapid magma ascents to higher levels. Th
e persistent coexistence of different nodules-xenoliths of abyssal ecl
ogites and peridotite and their contrasting chemistries provide eviden
ce for an early immiscible splitting of the initial mantle melts into
ultrabasic and basic magmas. The latter magmas evolved, after immiscib
le splitting, independently due to their different physical properties
and the various compositions of volatiles contained in them. The basi
c (eclogitic) magmas evolved in the presence of more oxidized fluids.
Differences in their fluid chemistries and evolution predetermine diff
erent carbon isotope compositions of ultrabasic and eclogitic diamonds
. The former show uniform carbon compositions, delta(13)C = -5 parts p
er thousand; the eclogitic diamonds consist of carbon that is enriched
to a different degree in the light or the heavy isotope. This phenome
non was caused by the fractionation of the heavy carbon isotope in CO2
during the crystallization of diamond and the isotope exchange with t
he transmagmatic fluids. The differences in mineral assemblages of inc
lusions in discrete zones of diamond crystals are coupled with the mod
al variability of nodules bearing intratelluric diamond. These feature
s provide evidence for a polyfacial diamond growth and the polyfacial
genesis of the rocks that inherited these diamonds. This polyfacial ch
aracter is most conspicuously pronounced in kimberlites, lamproites, a
nd metamorphic rocks, which crystallize or are transformed far beyond
the diamond stability field. The diamond of these rocks is a relict mi
neral, inherited from some precursor material. Diamond-bearing structu
res reach deeper into the mantle and exist from the Precambrian to Mes
ozoic. They serve as conduits for abyssal fluid flows, which probably
ascend from the Earth's core. The high fluid pressure causes endogenou
s explosions at different depths, which range from old mantle magma ch
ambers to recent hypabyssal diatremes. The sequential explosions assis
t rapid uplifts of the liquid, partly crystallized magmas into new lit
hospheric levels. The explosions are also favorable for the interactio
n of the fluids with ultrabasic igneous rocks, which leads to the orig
in of compositionally intermediate alkalic-basalt magmas and the final
highly alkalic kimberlite and lamproite melts rich in fluid component