To evaluate diagnostic tests, one would ideally like to verify, for ex
ample, with a biopsy, the disease state of all subjects in a study. Of
ten, however, not all subjects are verified. Previous methods for eval
uation assume that the decision to verify depends only on recorded var
iables. Sometimes, particularly if the disease process is not well und
erstood, the decision to verify may also depend on unrecorded variable
s related to disease. We propose a method to estimate the true- and fa
lse-positive rates of multiple tests while adjusting for the effect, o
n the decision to verify, of unrecorded variables related to disease.
To put the estimates into a more usable form, we develop a simple algo
rithm for creating a receiver-operating curve which maximizes the true
-positive rate, given the false-positive rate. We apply the methodolog
y to data on the early detection of prostate cancer using ultrasonogra
phy, digital rectal exam, and prostate specific antigen.