Anxiety can produce undesired effects in patients recovering from card
iac conditions including coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Phar
macological, psychological and educational interventions are used to r
educe patient anxiety. This study compared the effects on state anxiet
y of participation in one of two Phase I (in-patient) educational inte
rventions for patients undergoing their first coronary artery bypass g
rafting surgery. Subjects (n = 96) were randomly assigned to either a
traditional, staff-directed intervention or an intervention based on a
collaborative approach. Eighty subjects were included in the data ana
lyses. Results demonstrated that subjects in the collaborative-based i
ntervention had significantly less state anxiety at hospital discharge
than those in the traditional intervention. The collaborative approac
h offered patients opportunities to address individually identified co
ncerns regarding recovery and future functioning and to exert control
over facets of their hospitalization experience.