Porous glass films with immobilized solvatochromic dyes were investiga
ted to develop an optochemical sensor for the determination of ethanol
in water. Depending on the polarity of a solvent, i.e. content of eth
anol in water, the immobilized indicators changed their fluorescence p
roperties. Sensing films were prepared by immobilizing the dye with a
sol-gel process. After preconditioning, these films were usable over a
period of 5 weeks under continuous operation. The detection limit of
ethanol in water was 0.6 vol.%, the response being linear in the range
0-50 vol.% ethanol. The response time was less than 5 min and the int
eraction with ethanol was reversible. The effect of pH and the tempera
ture of the sample on the sensor properties were investigated.