Peak bone mass, which can be defined as the amount of bony tissue pres
ent at the end of the skeletal maturation, is an important determinant
of osteoporotic fracture risk in adulthood. The techniques of single
or dual energy absorptiometry measure the so-called ''areal'' or ''sur
face'' bone mineral density (BMD), a variable which has been shown to
be directly related to bone strength. During puberty the gender differ
ence in bone mass becomes expressed. This difference appears to be ess
entially due to a more prolonged bone maturation period in males than
in females, with a larger increase in bone size and cortical thickness
, as there is no significant sex difference in the volumetric trabecul
ar density at the end of pubertal maturation. Ar the beginning of the
3rd decade, there is a large variability in the normal values of areal
BMD in axial and appendicular skeleton. This large variance, which is
observed at sites particularly susceptible to osteoporotic fractures
in adulthood, such as lumbar spine and femoral neck, is barely reduced
after correction for statural height, and does not appear to substant
ially increase during adult life. It is generally accepted that peak b
one mass at any skeletal site is attained in both sexes during the mid
-thirties. However, recent studies indicate that in healthy caucasian
females, bone mass accumulation can virtually be completed before the
end of the second decade, for both lumbar spine and femoral neck. Seve
ral variables are supposed to influence bone mass accumulation during
growth: heredity, sex, diet components, endocrine factors, mechanical
forces, and exposure to risk factors. Quantitatively, the most promine
nt factor appears to be the genetic determinant, as estimated by studi
es comparing monozygotic and dizygotic twins. That heredity is not the
only determinant of peak bone mass is of practical interest, since en
vironmental factors can be modified. With respect to nutrition, the qu
antitative importance of calcium intake in bone mass accumulation duri
ng growth, particularly at sites prone to osteoporotic fractures, stil
l remains to be clearly determined The same can be said for the impact
of physical activity. Finally, the crucial years when external factor
s will be particularly effective on bone mass accumulation remain to b
e determined by longitudinal prospective studies in order to produce c
redible and well-targeted recommendations for the setting up of osteop
orosis prevention programs aims at maximizing peak bone mass.