Paired filtration dialysis (PFD) is the only hemodiafiltration (HDF) t
echnique in which ultrafiltrate (Uf) is obtained continuously with a s
imilar composition to plasma. It has been proved that Uf is regenerate
d when it passes through an uncoated adsorbent charcoal cartridge: thi
s one removes medium-to-large solutes and small toxines (except for ur
ea and phosphates), but not the electrolytes and bicarbonate. This reg
enerated Uf can be used like replacement fluid, using the same Uf pump
as the infusion pump; this makes the HDF technique easier and more re
liable. During 12 months (3 h/3 sessions/week), we treated 13 patients
with this PFD-Charcoal technique. These patients were previously on c
onventional PFD for at least 6 months. The biochemical results were ex
cellent with a stabilization of all parameters (urea, creatinine, uric
acid, Na, K, Cl, Ca, phosphates, beta(2)-microglobulin, beta(2)M, etc
.) and a better control of acidosis (statistically significative after
6 months). The clinical tolerance was also excellent, and the techniq
ue was greatly simplified. We conclude that PFD-Charcoal is a good HDF
technique that avoids the use of exogenous replacement fluid by using
the regenerated Uf itself as an endogenous substitution fluid with bi