Many academic libraries are wondering whether they are providing adequ
ate physical and intellectual access to library resources for their st
udents. Before planning new services, academic librarians must first e
valuate students' current information needs, skills, and satisfaction
in using library resources. By rising a survey in this investigation,
students were asked to rate their effectiveness, their satisfaction, a
nd their needs and expectations in the Else of library resources at th
e University of Rhode Island. After collecting 608 surveys, the data w
ere coded, tabulated, and analyzed, rising both quantitative statistic
al analysis and qualitative content analysis. While the majority of st
udents believe that they are effective seekers and users of library re
sources, 40 percent were not satisfied with their search for informati
on and materials found. When students were asked what they needed to b
ecome move effective risers, students recommended better organization
and availability of materials, more books and journals, move training
and classes, more staff and staff assistance, and enhanced computer fa