Since the late 1980s, declines in defense spending have resulted in dr
amatic employment reductions in defense-related sectors of the economy
. Although considerable information exists on the fate of major defens
e contractors and military bases in New England, little is known about
what has happened to laid-off defense workers. This article starts by
estimating the magnitude of defense-related employment reductions in
New England since the late 1980s. It then examines the experiences of
a sample of approximately 5,000 former defense workers who looked for
a new job following their layoffs. The research confirms that the regi
on's work force has suffered considerably as a result of defense cutba
cks. The problems are most severe for older workers and those without
a college degree, as well as workers located in areas of New England t
hat remain economically disadvantaged despite the employment recovery
that began in 1992.