Wd. Cornell et al., A 2ND GENERATION FORCE-FIELD FOR THE SIMULATION OF PROTEINS, NUCLEIC-ACIDS, AND ORGANIC-MOLECULES, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 117(19), 1995, pp. 5179-5197
We present the derivation of a new molecular mechanical force field fo
r simulating the structures, conformational energies, and interaction
energies of proteins, nucleic acids, and many related organic molecule
s in condensed phases. This effective two-body force field is the succ
essor to the Weiner et al, force field and was developed with some of
the same philosophies, such as the use of a simple diagonal potential
function and electrostatic potential fit atom centered charges. The ne
ed for a 10-12 function for representing hydrogen bonds is no longer n
ecessary due to the improved performance of the new charge model and n
ew van der Waals parameters. These new charges are determined using a
6-31G basis set and restrained electrostatic potential (RESP) fitting
and have been shown to reproduce interaction energies, free energies o
f solvation, and conformational energies of simple small molecules to
a good degree of accuracy. Furthermore, the new RESP charges exhibit l
ess variability as a function of the molecular conformation used in th
e charge determination. The new van der Waals parameters have been der
ived from liquid simulations and include hydrogen parameters which tak
e into account the effects of any geminal electronegative atoms. The b
onded parameters developed by Weiner et al. were modified as necessary
to reproduce experimental vibrational frequencies and structures. Mos
t of the simple dihedral parameters have been retained from Weiner et.
al., but a complex set of phi and psi parameters which do a good job
of reproducing the energies of the low-energy conformations of glycyl
and alanyl dipeptides has been developed for the peptide backbone.