Binding between initially cohesionless ash particles to form concentri
c accretionary lapilli is provided primarily by the capillary forces o
f liquid bridges from condensed moisture and by electrostatic attracti
on. Capillary forces are strong bonds if the particles are in close co
ntact, but they decrease rapidly with increasing particle spacing. Ele
ctrostatic attraction between charged ash particles is much weaker but
effective over larger distances, increasing the frequency of collisio
n between them. Experimental results of liquid film binding of volcani
c ash showed that agglomeration was most successful between 15 and 25
wt.%, defining the agglomeration window for the formation of accretion
ary lapilli. Below 5-10 wt.% and above about 25-30 wt.% of water, conc
entric agglomeration was inhibited. Particles < 350 mu m could be sele
cted from a wider particle population in the experiments using only sm
all amounts of water, which can explain the growth of accretionary lap
illi in pyroclastic surges around agglomeration nuclei. Experiments te
sting the behavior of volcanic ash in electric fields showed that ash
clusters formed instantaneously when the ash entered the field between
a corona discharge gun and a grounded metal plate. The maximum grain
size incorporated into the artificial clusters was about 180 mu m but
>90 wt.% of ash was <45 mu m. Accretionary lapilli form in turbulent a
sh clouds when particles carrying liquid films of condensed moisture c
ollide with each other and when the binding forces exceed the grain di
spersive forces. Larger particles >500 mu m act as agglomeration nucle
i in surges, accreting ash <350 mu m around them. In pyroclastic flows
the aggregates are thought to originate from already size-sorted ash
at the interface between the lower avalanche part of the flow and its
overriding elutriation cloud. The fine-grained rims around accretionar
y lapilli found close to source are interpreted to be accreted dominan
tly by electrostatic attraction of very fine ash similar to clustering
in elutriation clouds.