The release of GnRH from nerve terminals in the median eminence into t
he portal vessels is influenced by factors in the internal and externa
l environment of the animal. In the former category are the gonadal st
eroid hormones oestrogen and progesterone which alter the characterist
ics of GnRH secretion during the oestrous and seasonal cycles. These c
annot exert their actions directly on the GnRH neurones as they do not
possess hormone receptors. Therefore, some other steroid-sensitive ne
uronal system must relay this information to the GnRH neurones. Gamma
amino-butyric acid (GABA) neurones are good candidates for this role a
s they contain steroid hormone receptors and synapse on GnRH neurones.
Recent studies in ewes have sought to identify a role for GABA in med
iating the actions of both oestrogen and progesterone on GnRH release.
The technique of microdialysis was used to monitor GABA concentration
s in areas containing GnRH cell bodies during the oestrogen-induced su
rge of GnRH and during progesterone negative feedback. Concentrations
of this inhibitory neurotransmitter have been shown to fall in the for
mer situation where GnRH release is being stimulated, but to be increa
sed when progesterone is depressing GnRH release. GABA may also be imp
ortant in mediating the seasonal switch in the negative feedback actio
ns of oestradiol. During the anoestrous season, when oestradiol is a p
otent inhibitor of GnRH secretion, specific GABA receptor antagonists
can stimulate neurohormone release, an action that is not observed in
the breeding season when oestrogen is much less potent.