1. Aluminum (Al) has been implicated in neurotoxic syndromes in severa
l conditions, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). The developmental st
age of the mammalian brain most susceptible to Al was determined in ra
bbits systemically exposed to Al during the prenatal, postnatal, or se
cond month or for 1 month as adults or as aged subjects. Eyeblink refl
ex classical conditioning showed an Al-induced learning deficit only i
n the adult and aged rabbits. 2. 4-Aminopyridine, which was reported t
o improve learning in AD subjects, attenuated this Al-induced learning
deficit. 3. Conditioned eyeblink acquisition is slower in AD subjects
than controls, supporting the Al-loaded rabbit as a model of some AD
effects. 4. To determine if the Al-loaded rabbit modeled the AD cholin
ergic deficit, acetylcholine (Ach) overflow was measured in rabbit hip
pocampus using microdialysis. Aluminum pretreatment reduced basal and
potassium-stimulated Ach overflow compared to controls. 5. Acetylcholi
ne overflow increased as control rabbits acquired the conditioned eyeb
link reflex, then subsequently decreased, although conditioned eyeblin
k performance continued. In contrast, Al-loaded rabbits showed a delay
in conditioned eyeblink acquisition and greatly attenuated Ach overfl
ow. The Al-induced attenuation of Ach overflow may contribute to the A
l-induced learning deficit. 6. Brain Al entry was studied using microd
ialysis of blood, brain, and lateral ventricle. Aluminum rapidly enter
ed the brain and lateral ventricle. Frontal cortical Al was greater th
an lateral ventricular Al, suggesting that Al primarily enters the bra
in through the cerebral microvasculature. 7. The brain/blood Al ratio
was always significantly less than 1. This ratio was influenced by the
Al form administered, brain site and animal species. Thus, there appe
ars to be an active process moving Al out of brain extracellular fluid
(ECF). 8. Brain and blood dialysate Ach concentrations were not diffe
rent after cyanide addition to the dialysate, supporting the conclusio
n that an active process moves Al out of brain ECF.