Patients suffering from advanced, incurable cancer often receive from
their doctors proposals to enroll in a clinical trial of an experiment
al therapy. Experimental therapies are increasingly perceived not as a
highly problematic approach but as a near-standard way to deal with i
ncurable cancer. There are, however, important differences in the diff
usion of these therapies in Western countries. The large diffusion of
experimental therapies for malignant disease in the United States cont
rasts with the much more restricted diffusion of these therapies in th
e United Kingdom. The difference between the two reflects differences
in the organization of health care in these countries and distinct pat
terns of the professionalization of medical oncology in America and in
Britain. The high density and great autonomy of medical oncologists i
n the United States encourages there the diffusion of experimental the
rapies (regarded by some as expensive and inefficient); the lower dens
ity of these specialists in the United Kingdom and their task as consu
ltants and not primary caregivers, favors the choice of more conservat
ive (for some, too conservative) treatments. Theoretically, the decisi
on as to whether patients suffering from advanced, incurable cancer wi
ll be steered toward an experimental therapy or toward palliative care
depends on the values and beliefs of these patients and their physici
ans. In practice, however, such choice does not depend exclusively on
the individual's cultural background and ethical values, but is also s
trongly affected by the - culturally conditioned - professional and in
stitutional structure of medicine.