Keratoacanthomas are made up of the same spinocellular differentiated
cell material as squamous cell carcinomas, but they differ from the la
tter in origin and growth properties. The majority - in our series 98%
of 741 examined cases - are of the ,,crateriform'' type, which after
rapid growth during the initial stage give way to spontaneous regressi
on, mostly with complete restoration of the cutaneous structure. Less
than 2% belong to the rare destructive variants with disturbed or abse
nt regression and persistent invasive growth. Keratoacanthoma marginat
um centrifugum, mutilating keratoacanthomas and aggregated keratoacant
homas can lead to extremely severe defects. None of the ,,conservative
'' treatment methods recommended in the literature up to now has prove
d effective, with the exception of surgery and radiotherapy with tumou
r ratio doses. Many publications are obviously based on uncritically i
nterpreted individual observations.